Quality counsellors

General overview

Time period 2004 – ongoing
Funding Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
Contact person Jasmina Orešnik Cunja, Head of activity “Professional support for the development of quality in adult education”
Phone: +386 1 5842 596
E-mail: jasmina.oresnik.cunja@acs.si

Purpose and goals

After years of close collaboration with adult education organisations on the implementation of self-evaluation and planning of activities for the development of quality, the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education came to the conclusion that the best solution would be to have a person with a better understanding of the planned improvement of quality in adult education working within these institutions. This realisation gradually materialised in the role of quality counsellor in adult education with the following aims:
  • educational organisations should train a person with expert knowledge in this field;
  • training this person to counsel other employees and promote and coordinate the work of his/her colleagues when it comes to evaluating and developing quality;
  • training this person to counsel the management of the organisation regarding the questions of quality.
The main objectives of this project are:
  • to develop quality counsellors as professionals in adult education and implement this role in practice;
  • to place the role of quality counsellors within the framework of adult education in Slovenia;
  • to develop a basic training programme for quality counsellors and many additional training programmes;
  • to train professionals for the role of quality counsellors in educational organisations;
  • to offer professional counselling and guidelines to quality counsellors, enabling them to make better recommendations regarding the efficient, comprehensive, systematic, and ongoing evaluation and development of the quality of education that the educational organisation offers to adults;
  • support connections between existing quality counsellors and the exchange of experiences and examples of good practice.



To become an adult education quality counsellor, one must successfully complete the programme of basic training for quality development counsellors in adult education, offered by the Slovenian Institute of Adult Education. The process of becoming a quality counsellor in adult education is described on the portal Quality Mosaic. Quality counsellors who meet all the required criteria become part of the national network of quality counsellors.
Illustration by: Matthew De Cecco

The basic characteristic of work of quality counsellors in educational organisations that offer adult education are also described on the Quality Mosaic portal, as well as the ethical principles of counselling for quality development and the principles of general counselling, which counselling for quality development is based on.

A quality counsellor in adult education is someone with the appropriate professional competences, who offers counselling to all people in educational organisations participating in self-evaluation planning and implementation, and who counsels during the processes of implementation and development of quality, to ensure the efficient flow of the processes and results that encourage the constant development of quality.

The counsellor also acts as a coordinator of different activities for the development of quality in adult education within the organisation, and with the agreement of the quality group, implements individual activities.

The National network of quality counsellors brings together professionals doing counselling work to promote quality in adult education. We established the network of quality counsellors as a means for professional networking and the exchange of good practices and experiences of practising quality counsellors.

In 2014, the network of practising quality counsellors adopted Starting points for activities of quality counsellors in adult education, defining the underlying concept of the quality counsellors’ network.

The conceptual design of the counselling network and the role of the counsellors was developed by the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, who is responsible for basic and regular additional training of the counsellors and coordination of the network.

Since 2006, the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education manages several activities in its role as a coordinator of the national network of quality counsellors.

The team responsible for the quality field:
  • provides basic and additional professional training and improvement of practising quality counsellors;
  • offers professional support and guidance regarding various activities related to the evaluation and development of quality in educational organisations;
  • organises two annual professional meetings of the quality counsellors who are part of the network;
  • coordinates the implementation of joint activities confirmed by the network;
  • coordinates content of the e-classroom and encourages quality counsellors to use it;
  • helps the counsellors implement various joint activities they plan every year and then implement in their own organisations;
  • ensures that the network’s e-classroom remains active and that the counsellors use it for active communication; 
  • manages a record of practising quality counsellors and updates the online list of quality counsellors.

Developmental milestones

On the path to establishment and development of the national network of quality counsellors, we have reached the following important milestones:
Joint action of the network: Collecting good stories from teachers about how they evaluate and develop quality of their work.
Several activities related to the jointly selected topic “The role of teacher in regular monitoring of quality” are implemented by the network.
Minimal quality standards related to regular monitoring of the teacher’s quality of work have been agreed within the network, based on three stages of the process:
  • establishment or improvement of a system for the regular monitoring of the quality of support the teachers offer to students;
  • development of appropriate measures that allow the teachers to monitor the quality of their own work in a systematic manner;
  • establishment or improvement of a system for the regular monitoring of student satisfaction with different aspects of the teacher’s work.
We trained 20 new adult education quality counsellors.
We implemented self-evaluation and carried out a Self-Evaluation Study on the implementation of the quality counsellor role in adult education practice.
1. The training was implemented as part of the ESF project, Improvement of professional associate competences in the field of management of innovative educational institutions, 2016–2018, with the aim of meeting the needs for counselling in the field of adult education quality development in educational organisations that had not previously created a role for quality counsellors, or who had lost their quality counsellor to another organisation or for other reasons.

2. After a decade of work with the quality counsellors, the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education decided that it is time to take a breath and see how the role of quality counsellor has work so far in adult education practice. The self-evaluation study included 15 educational organisations with practising quality counsellors who were trained in the years 2007–2011 and were entrusted with this role within their organisations. Within the network of quality counsellors we decided on a joint activity – implementing a questionnaire about the placement of the role of quality counsellor within the organisations offering adult education.
The network of practising quality counsellors adopted Starting points for activities of quality counsellors in adult education.
As part of the development task “Fluctuation of professional associates in adult education” we implemented a study on fluctuation of trained adult education quality counsellors.
The main conclusion of this study was that fluctuation of trained adult education quality counsellors reached almost 50%, which was estimated as a high fluctuation. The study found some direct reasons for this fluctuation as well as indirect reasons.
Review of the Basic training for quality counsellors in adult education programme.
The basic aim of the programme is to offer future counsellors for the development of quality in adult education the necessary knowledge and competences for independent counselling on the development of quality in adult education.
Re-implementation of the Quality Counsellors in Adult Education Project
As part of the ESF project Education and training of professional associates in adult education, 2009–2011, we trained 12 new quality counsellors.
The role of quality counsellor in adult education was pilot-tested in practice (the first implementation of basic training for quality counsellors).
As part of the project Counsellors for quality in adult education, funded by the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, we trained 17 quality counsellors who simultaneously acted in this new role and implemented activities for the development of quality within their teams.
Conceptual design of the Basic training programme for quality counsellors in adult education.
The idea to create a network of counsellors for quality in adult education has been born after we started collaborating with the first educational organisations that used the OQAE model for self-evaluation.

Key achievements

So far, the project has accomplished the following key achievements:
  • We developed the concept of a quality counsellor in adult education;
  • We developed the programme for basic training of quality counsellors and many additional training programmes;
  • We trained more than 49 adult education quality counsellors;
  • We established a national network of adult education quality counsellors;
  • We established a registry of active quality counsellors in adult education – 18 counsellors are currently part of the network;
  • Within the network of practising quality counsellors, we adopted Starting points for activities of quality counsellors in adult education;
  • We prepared a professional study on fluctuation of trained adult education quality counsellors;
  • We implemented self-evaluation and carried out a self-evaluation survey about the placement of the role of quality counsellor within the organisations offering adult education;
  • We prepared a guide to the work and role of quality counsellor called What I do as a counsellor for quality in adult education.

Handbook on the work and role of a Quality counsellor in Adult education

List of active quality counsellors

You can meet the quality counsellors in adult education here.

Counselors' online classroom

For communication, training and work on joint activities quality counsellors use a closed web classroom.

Online infrastructure support for the activities of the quality counsellors takes place in the Moodle environment.